Journal Writing Prompts for May

Happy May 1st! Are you ready for a new month? Are you still keeping a daily journal? Or do you want to start journaling? If you are searching for inspiration for your daily entries, consider the following journal writing prompts for May.

close up shot of scrabble tiles beside flowers
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on
  1. How did April go for you, your family, your work, and your community? List the highs and lows of the month.
  2. Write down five goals for May.
  3. Write down goals for the rest of 2024.
  4. What do you like most about May? Why?
  5. Today is Cinco de Mayo! Do you celebrate?
  6. How are you taking care of yourself? Do you need to engage in more self-care?
  7. Describe your most recent dream. What do you think the dream means?
  8. What one decision changed your life completely? Describe.
  9. Write about your current political view.
  10. What is your happiest memory? Why?
  11. Free write for 15 minutes.
  12. Happy Mother’s Day! (USA) Write about your mom or being a mom.
  13. What is one thing you would never change about your life? Why?
  14. If you could have lunch with anyone who is no longer on this Earth, who would you pick? Why?
  15. If you could go back in time and change your high school experience, what would you do differently? Why?
  16. When you listen to or read current news stories, what is your biggest concern about the world today? Why?
  17. What does your perfect day look like? Describe?
  18. What is holding you back from achieving your ideal life? What steps can you take to change it?
  19. What made you laugh today? What were the circumstances?
  20. What are your strengths? List 5. (Yes, you have at least five!) Go into detail.
  21. What are your weaknesses? What steps do you need to take to improve in this area?
  22. Do you have a hobby? Or is there a hobby you would like to start?
  23. Did you have hobbies as a child or teen? Do you still do any of those hobbies today?
  24. Today, Friday, May 24, 2024, starts the long weekend for Memorial Day (USA). Do you have plans for the weekend?
  25. Did you do anything special for the holiday weekend as a child? What did you do?
  26. What is your favorite memory of holiday weekends? Why does this one stick out the most?
  27. Happy Memorial Day! Do you know of anyone who lost their life in the line of duty? Ask your relatives or research to find out. Write their story.
  28. How did Memorial weekend go for you? Write your highs and lows of the weekend.
  29. Write about your day. What were you doing at 7 am, noon, and 3 pm?
  30. What are you looking forward to in June?

Have a fantastic month! Keep writing!

Journal Writing Prompts for March

Are you ready for a new month? March is almost here! Do you want to continue or start writing in your journal? If you are searching for inspiration, consider the following journal writing prompts for March.

  1. How did February go for you, your family, your coworkers, or your community? List the highs and lows for the month.
  2. What are your goals for March? List 5.
  3. What are your goals for the rest of 2024? Are you still working toward your overall goals for the year? What steps do you need to take to achieve your goals?
  4. How would you like to spend your retirement years? What are you doing to make this a reality?
  5. List 3 things that made you smile today.
  6. Write about your favorite book. Why does this book bring you joy?
  7. What is your favorite time of day or night? Do you consider yourself to be a morning person or a night owl? Why?
  8. What hobby would you like to start this year? Why?
  9. Write a letter to your older self.
  10. Time change! Spring forward! What do you think of the time change? Do you think the process should be eliminated?
  11. If you could live anywhere in the world for 3 months, where would you go? Why?
  12. How are you spending your free time lately? Does this bring you joy or relaxation?
  13. What practices do you engage in for self-care? Is this enough? Do you need to do more to take care of yourself? Why?
  14. Write a poem.
  15. If you could spend a year in any decade, what era would you pick? Why?
  16. What is your favorite song right now? Why?
  17. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Did you do anything to celebrate? Did you wear green? Why or why not?
  18. What is your biggest financial goal right now? Why? How do you plan to achieve it?
  19. The first official day of Spring? What do you like most about this season? Why?
  20. Create a Spring bucket list.
  21. What’s your favorite childhood memory of Spring? Why does this one stand out the most?
  22. Write and plan your dream vacation.
  23. What was the last movie you watched? Write a review.
  24. Free write for 15 minutes.
  25. If you could talk to your older self, what questions would you ask? Why?
  26. What is weighing heavy on your mind right now? What can you do to alleviate this? Create a plan.
  27. If you won the lotto, what would you do?
  28. What were you doing at 2 pm today? Go into detail.
  29. Write about the best part of your day.
  30. Use one word to describe March. Why did you pick this word?
  31. Happy Easter! What did you do to celebrate?

Have a fantastic month!

31 Journal Writing Prompts for January

Are you ready for the new year? Are you keeping a journal? Or are starting one as part of your 2024 resolutions? If you are searching for inspiration, consider the following journal writing prompts for January.

gold quill pen
Photo by Pixabay on

January Journal Writing Prompts

  1. Describe one goal you reached in 2023.
  2. How has your life changed in 2023?
  3. Write about what inspired you the most in 2023.
  4. What surprised you the most in 2023? List your highs and lows of the year.
  5. What is your proudest moment from 2023? Why?
  6. How did the holiday season go for you? Your family? Your friends? Write down your favorite moments from the Christmas season.
  7. What did you do for New Year’s Eve?
  8. How did you take care of yourself in 2023? How do you plan to improve your self-care routine in 2024?
  9. What area of your life needs the most focus in 2024? Why?
  10. What new hobby or skill do you want to learn in 2024?
  11. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Which one is the most important? Why?
  12. What are your goals for 2024? List 10.
  13. How can you stay on track for your 2024 goals? Write down a plan.
  14. What are looking forward to the most in 2024? Why?
  15. What are your goals for January? Write down at least 3 goals.
  16. Write a wish for your future self. Describe. Write steps to achieve this goal.
  17. Summarize your day in ten words.
  18. Write down what worries you for 2024. What is your biggest worry? Why?
  19. Free write for 15 minutes. Write down whatever comes to mind.
  20. What does a perfect day look like to you? How can you achieve more perfect days?
  21. Write about someone you miss. Why is this person important to you?
  22. What are your first memories of winter as a child? Write about your favorite memory.
  23. What is your favorite activity for the winter months?
  24. What made you smile today? Why?
  25. Choose a word as your inspiration for 2024. Why did you pick this one word?
  26. Make a list of your favorites right now, including songs, food, etc.
  27. Describe your current self in 5 words. Why did you pick these words?
  28. Describe a recent dream.
  29. What is your favorite meal or dessert to cook? Why?
  30. What are three things that you achieved today? Even small achievements count as a good day.  
  31. Reflect on the first month of 2024. Did you make any progress toward your monthly or yearly goals? Why or why not?

Have a great month! Keep writing!

Journal Writing Prompts for November 2023

Are you ready for November? A new month brings new opportunities to write in your journal. If you are searching for inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for November.

Photo by Jessica Lewis on
  1. How did October go for you, your family, your friends, and your community? List the highs and lows of the month.
  2. What are your goals for November? Make a list.
  3. What are your goals for the rest of 2023?
  4. What don’t your share with others about your life?
  5. Day Savings Time! Turn your clocks back. Does the time change affect you?
  6. Free write.
  7. Election Day! How did the voting process go for you today? Describe your experience. Write about who you picked for candidates.
  8. What change would you like to see in your life? What steps can you take to achieve these goals?
  9. 5 words to describe your day. Why did you pick these words?
  10. What are 3 core beliefs or principles that guide your life right now? Why are these important to you?
  11. Veteran’s Day! Write about the veterans in your family.
  12. Write a review of your favorite restaurant.
  13. Is life what you imagined as a child? Teen? Adult?
  14. How do you like to spend a rainy or snowy day?
  15. What is one small change you would like to make to your life right now? Why?
  16. What is one big change you would like to make to your life right now? Why?
  17. What is your favorite song right now? Why?
  18. If you could meet anyone, who would you pick? Why?
  19. Who is the one person you can always count on? Describe this person.
  20. Are you happy with your current job? What would you like to change? What steps do you need to take to achieve this goal?
  21. What were you doing at 10am? Go into detail.
  22. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?
  23. Happy Thanksgiving! How did your day go? List your highlights.
  24. Are you ready for the Christmas season? Have you started your shopping? Why or why not?
  25. Look out a window. Describe what you see.
  26. How has the weather changed since the beginning of the month?
  27. How would you describe happiness? Are you happy?
  28. What is one thing you can do to improve your health?
  29. Name one positive thing about your day.
  30. List your favorite memories of November.

Have an excellent month! Keep writing!

41 Halloween-Themed Journal Writing Prompts

Are you still writing in your journal? Or are you just beginning? Do you love the spooky season and want to add Halloween-themed entries to your journal?

Photo by Artie Siegel on

If you are searching for inspiration, check out the following Halloween-themed journal writing prompts.

  1. What does Halloween mean to you?
  2. What are your plans for Halloween this year?
  3. What is your favorite Halloween-themed movie? Cartoon? Why?
  4. Do you have a Halloween costume planned for this year? Why did you pick this custom?
  5. If you have children, what are their Halloween costumes? Why did they pick them?
  6. Do you dress up for Halloween as a family? Or individual?
  7. Did you make your own costumes? Why or why not?
  8. Have you ever made your own Halloween costume? What did you make?
  9. What is your first memory of Halloween?
  10. What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume?
  11. What is your favorite Halloween costume as an adult?
  12. What is the scariest Halloween decoration that you have viewed? Where were you when you saw this decoration? Why did the decoration scare you?
  13. My favorite Halloween activity as a child was _________________.
  14. My favorite Halloween activity as an adult is ___________________.
  15. Write a poem about a pumpkin.
  16. Free write about Halloween for 10 minutes or more.
  17. If on Halloween night, you could fly a magic broomstick, where would you go? Why?
  18. Did your school have Halloween parties? Did you dress up? Go on a parade route? Describe in detail.
  19. Do you have a favorite school memory of Halloween? Why did that Halloweeen stand out over the others?
  20. What is your favorite family Halloween activity?
  21. Do you visit haunted houses, corn mazes, or other types of themed events for Halloween? Do you go with your family or friends?
  22. What Halloween-themed event is your favorite? Go into details.
  23. Did you go trick-or-treating as a child? Where did you go? Who did you usually go with?
  24. Do you plan on passing out candy on Halloween? Why or why not?
  25. If you do plan on passing out candy, do you dress up? Do you decorate your house?
  26. When trick-or-treating as a child, what was your favorite house to go to on Halloween? Why?
  27. Did you carve or paint pumpkins as part of Halloween as a child? Where did you get your pumpkins?
  28. Are you carving or painting pumpkins this Halloween? Where did you get your pumpkins?
  29. Are you doing any Halloween crafts this year? What are going to make? Do you plan to keep the craft?
  30. Did you visit pumpkin patches as a child to find the perfect pumpkin? What do you remember the most about this activity?
  31. What is your favorite Halloween candy? Why is this special?
  32. Who is your favorite Halloween character? Write a letter describing why.
  33. What makes Halloween spooky?
  34. Write a paragraph about a pumpkin, a scarecrow, and a werewolf.
  35. Are you hosting a Halloween party this year? Why or why not?
  36. What was the last Halloween party you attended as a child, a teen, and an adult? Describe the events.
  37. Are you planning on attending an adult Halloween party this year? Give all the deetails of the event.
  38. What would be your ultimate Halloween party?
  39. What is your ideal Halloween travel destination? Why?
  40. What Halloween traditions do you practice? Are any of these traditions from your childhood?
  41. What Halloween activity would you like to do in the future? Why?

Happy Halloween! Enjoy!

Journal Writing Prompts for October 2023

A new month is almost here! Are you ready for October? Are you continuing to make journal entries? Or are you starting to write in a journal for the first time? If you are searching for inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for October.

Photo by Alina Vilchenko on
  1. How did September go for you, your family, your friends, and your community? List the highs and lows of the month.
  2. What are your goals for October? List at least 5.
  3. What are your goals for the remaining months of 2023?
  4. If money didn’t matter, what type of business would you run? Go into detail.
  5. Describe your ideal day. What steps can you take to make this a reality?
  6. What do you do after a tough day to relax?
  7. What is your guilty pleasure?
  8. What were you doing today at noon? Go into detail.
  9. What is your favorite quote or Bible verse? Why?
  10. Describe your life a year ago.
  11. Describe your ideal life a year from now.
  12. Describe your life in ten years.
  13. Free write for 15 minutes. Set a timer. Just write whatever comes into your mind.
  14. What is one thing you use daily? Why is this object important?
  15. What does the word strength mean to you in your personal life?
  16. What does the word weakness mean to you in your personal life?
  17. Describe a moment from today that made you smile.
  18. What is your least favorite time of the week or day? Why?
  19. What is your favorite time of the week or day? Why?
  20. Describe the last time you truly laughed.
  21. What did you do today just for yourself?
  22. Describe the weather today.
  23. Write about the eldest person in your family.
  24. Write about the youngest person in your family.
  25. Describe your personal appearance. Be nice to yourself but go into detail.
  26. What steals your joy or peace of mind?
  27. Who did you help today? Describe the situation.
  28. Have you started Christmas or holiday shopping yet?
  29. Are you looking forward to the holiday season?
  30. Describe your favorite memory from this month.
  31. Happy Halloween! Describe your day.

Have a fantastic month! Keep writing.

30 Journal Writing Prompts for Easter

Easter is almost here. Are you enjoying yourself? Easter week is a wonderful  time to make extra entries in your journal.  Daily journal entries about Easter are a great way to reflect, express emotions, and enjoy the holiday. If you are searching for inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for Easter.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on
  1. What does Easter mean to you?
  2. How do you celebrate Easter? With your family? With your friends? In the community? School? Work? Go into detail.
  3. How are you going to spend this Easter weekend?
  4. Are you going to participate in any Good Friday services or activities?
  5. Do you send out Easter cards? Why or why not?
  6. How do you plan to spend Easter Sunday? Are you going to church? Sunrise Service? Regular Service? Or skipping?
  7. Describe attending Good Friday or Easter Sunday service. What was your favorite part? What did you dislike? Will you go again?
  8. Do you regularly attend church services? How is Easter time different for your church community?
  9. Did you participate in Lent? What did you give up? Describe the experience.
  10. Why is participating in the Lenten season important to you?
  11. What is your favorite song to hear at Easter? Why does this song mean so much to you?
  12. What is your favorite memory of Easter? Why?
  13. Did you celebrate Easter as a child? What was a typical Easter like for you? Your family? Your friends? 
  14. What is your first memory of Easter at church as a child? 
  15. Did you get Easter baskets as a child? What other traditions did your family do at Easter time?
  16. What was your favorite Easter basket toy, candy, etc.? Why are these items so memorable? 
  17. Do you do any childhood traditions with your family? Why or why not?
  18. Did you create an Easter basket this year for your family? Your friends? Your dog? What did you put in the baskets?
  19. Did you dye Easter eggs as a child? Describe the experience.
  20. Did you dye Easter eggs this year with your friends or family? Describe the experience. Who helped you dye eggs? What colors did you use? 
  21. Did you participate in Easter egg hunts as a child? What do you remember the most about the event?
  22. Are you or did you hide Easter eggs this year? Describe the experience.
  23. As a child, what was your favorite item to find inside of an Easter egg?  Why?
  24. As an adult, what would you like to find inside an Easter egg? Why?
  25.  Do you have a favorite Easter egg? Describe the color, the pattern, and other important attributes.
  26. Are you cooking a traditional Easter meal? What will you serve?
  27. When you were a child, what was your Easter dinner? What was your favorite part of the meal? Do you still cook the same meal today?
  28.  Has the significance of Easter changed for you over the years? Why? 
  29. What was your favorite memory of Easter this year?
  30. What are you going to change for Easter 2024?

Happy Easter!

28 Journal Writing Prompt for February

It’s February! Are you ready to continue writing in your journal? Do you need inspiration to get you going? If the answer is yes, check out February’s journal writing prompts.

Photo by Pixabay on
  1. How did January 2023 go for you? Your family? Your friends? Work? School? Other commitments? Write about your highs and lows for the month.
  2. What do you hope to accomplish this month? Write 5 goals.
  3. Write about your goals for the rest of 2023.
  4. How are your resolutions for 2023 going? Are you still sticking to your goals? Why or why not?
  5. Free write for 20 minutes.
  6. Create a grateful list.
  7. What is one thing that made you laugh today? Why was it so funny?
  8. Write about a recent dream. What do you think the dream means?
  9. What is going well in your personal life right now? Why do you feel this is important?
  10. What areas in your life could use improvement? Write out a plan to work toward improving yourself in this area.
  11. Make a list of people (friends, family, co-workers) who you see on a daily basis or spend a significant amount of time with. How do these people influence you? Your moods? Your actions?
  12. Write about your fears? Do your worries affect your behavior? Why or why not?
  13. What steps can you take to alleviate your fears?
  14. Happy Valentine’s Day! Write about your day! Did you celebrate?
  15. What are your bad habits? Are you taking steps to eliminate them? What are you doing to change them?
  16. Are you making healthy choices right now? In what ways can you improve your health? Even small changes impact your overall health.
  17. Name a skill or hobby you want to learn. What is stopping you?
  18. What trips are you hoping to take in 2023? Make a list. Even if the trips are small, create a bucket list for travel.
  19. What was your favorite trip in 2022? Why was the trip so memorable?
  20. What was your least favorite trip in 2022? Why did you not enjoy yourself?
  21. If you were a time traveler, where would you go? Why?
  22. Write about your top five strengths. Why do these attributes stick out the most to you?
  23. In your opinion, what attributes do you associate with being a good friend? Do you feel you are a good friend to others? Why or why not?
  24. What past personal events do you need to forgive yourself for? Why are these activities or actions still bothering you today? What can you do to start moving forward with peace for these actions?
  25. Do you believe you are a truth-seeker? Why or why not?
  26. Describe your religious or spiritual views? Have they changed over the years? Why or why not?
  27. What did you do just for yourself today? Last week? Last month? Last year? Describe in detail.
  28. Do you feel you are the same person as last year? Five years ago? 10 years ago? Do you plan to make changes this year? Why?

Happy February! Happy Writing!

Journal Writing Prompts for October

Are you still writing your daily journal entries? Or are you just starting the journey of journal writing? Keeping a journal is a valuable tool. As a journal writer, you can express your worries, joys, memories, and much more. If you are looking for inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for October.

Photo by Jessica Lewis Creative on
  1. How did last month go for you, your family, friends, community, work, or school? List your highs and lows for the month.
  2. What are you hoping to accomplish this month? For the rest of 2022? Make a list.
  3. Describe your earliest childhood memory?
  4. What do you consider to be your most important values? Why?
  5. What is your biggest worry or stress in your life right now? What can you do to alleviate the situation?
  6. What was one thing that made you smile today? Describe.
  7. List 3 people who have inspired you. Why did you pick them?
  8. When you think about your friends, what do you value the most about their friendship? Why?
  9. What areas could use improvement in your personal life right now? Why?
  10. Is there something from your past that you cannot forgive? Why? Does the situation impact your life now?
  11. How do you handle conflict?
  12. What were you doing today at 3pm? Describe.
  13. What was your biggest mistake? How did you learn from the situation?
  14. What does unconditional love mean to you? Do you apply the same concept to yourself? Why or why not?
  15. Happy Sweetest Day! Write about your love story! How did you meet your significant other? Go into detail.
  16. If you were to dress up for an evening, what would you wear and where would you go?
  17. Listen to the news. How do you feel about the events happening around the world?
  18. What were some of your favorite childhood books? Make a list. Why do you remember these books over others?
  19. Is Autumn your favorite season? Why or why not?
  20. Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?
  21. What is your favorite movie from childhood, teen years, and adulthood? Why?
  22. When you have a stressful day, what activity makes you feel better? Why?
  23. Describe your cozy place. Or your safe place.
  24. Free write for at least 20 minutes.
  25. Go to a café or restaurant. Write about the people you see.
  26. How would you describe yourself to a stranger? How would your friends or family members describe you?
  27. What would you like to change about yourself? Why?
  28. Look at the window right now. Describe the scene. Use all five senses.
  29. Are you looking forward to the holiday season? Why or why not?
  30. Describe one moment from the month that you want to always remember. Why did you pick that moment?
  31. Happy Halloween! Did you do anything to celebrate this spooky holiday? Write about your day.

31 Journal Writing Prompts for August

Are you keeping up with your journal writing? Keeping a journal is a great way to record memories, dump your emotional baggage, or write out your dreams. If you are searching for inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for August.

Photo by Pixabay on
  1. How did last month go for you? Your family? Your friends? Your community? List the highs and lows of the month.
  2. Do you believe in telling the truth even if the information may hurt the other person’s feelings? Why or why not?
  3. List your top 10 qualities. (Yes, you have 10). Go into detail of each quality.
  4. What in your daily life feels like a struggle right now? What steps can you take to improve the situation?
  5. Free write for 20 minutes.
  6. How do you describe luxury in your personal life? What is your favorite indulgence?
  7. Do you have siblings? How are you different? (No, siblings? How are different from your friends?)
  8. Describe your childhood home. What was your favorite part? Why?
  9. If you could have any fictional animal as a pet, what would you get? Why?
  10. What situations make you feel self-conscious? How do you react in these types of situations?
  11. How do you think people describe you?
  12. How do you describe yourself to other people?
  13. Describe your happy place.
  14. What is your favorite time of the day? Why?
  15. What healthy habits do you need to start? Why?
  16. What are your plans or goals for the rest of 2022? Are you making progress towards any of them? Why or why not?
  17. Are your thoughts already turning toward to the upcoming holiday season? What can you do now to prepare for the holidays?
  18. Write a quote that perfectly describes your life right now.
  19. Who is your inspiration at this moment? Why?
  20. If you continue your current path in life, will you be fulfilled at the end? Why or why not?
  21. When do you feel you are living your life to the fullest? Provide details.
  22. Do you engage in self-care? What is your favorite activity? Why?
  23. If you could spend quality time with someone who is no longer on Earth, who would you pick? Why?
  24. If you had more time to yourself, what would you do? Why?
  25. How did you spend your day? Provide details.
  26. What are you 5 most current achievements? (Yes, making it through a long workday is an achievement).
  27. Who helps you through the rough times in your life?
  28. What or who made you smile today? Write about the situation.
  29. What lessons did you learn from this month?
  30. What moment from this month do you want to remember for the rest of your life? Why?
  31. Writer’s choice.

Have a great August! Happy writing!