28 Journal Writing Prompt for February

It’s February! Are you ready to continue writing in your journal? Do you need inspiration to get you going? If the answer is yes, check out February’s journal writing prompts.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
  1. How did January 2023 go for you? Your family? Your friends? Work? School? Other commitments? Write about your highs and lows for the month.
  2. What do you hope to accomplish this month? Write 5 goals.
  3. Write about your goals for the rest of 2023.
  4. How are your resolutions for 2023 going? Are you still sticking to your goals? Why or why not?
  5. Free write for 20 minutes.
  6. Create a grateful list.
  7. What is one thing that made you laugh today? Why was it so funny?
  8. Write about a recent dream. What do you think the dream means?
  9. What is going well in your personal life right now? Why do you feel this is important?
  10. What areas in your life could use improvement? Write out a plan to work toward improving yourself in this area.
  11. Make a list of people (friends, family, co-workers) who you see on a daily basis or spend a significant amount of time with. How do these people influence you? Your moods? Your actions?
  12. Write about your fears? Do your worries affect your behavior? Why or why not?
  13. What steps can you take to alleviate your fears?
  14. Happy Valentine’s Day! Write about your day! Did you celebrate?
  15. What are your bad habits? Are you taking steps to eliminate them? What are you doing to change them?
  16. Are you making healthy choices right now? In what ways can you improve your health? Even small changes impact your overall health.
  17. Name a skill or hobby you want to learn. What is stopping you?
  18. What trips are you hoping to take in 2023? Make a list. Even if the trips are small, create a bucket list for travel.
  19. What was your favorite trip in 2022? Why was the trip so memorable?
  20. What was your least favorite trip in 2022? Why did you not enjoy yourself?
  21. If you were a time traveler, where would you go? Why?
  22. Write about your top five strengths. Why do these attributes stick out the most to you?
  23. In your opinion, what attributes do you associate with being a good friend? Do you feel you are a good friend to others? Why or why not?
  24. What past personal events do you need to forgive yourself for? Why are these activities or actions still bothering you today? What can you do to start moving forward with peace for these actions?
  25. Do you believe you are a truth-seeker? Why or why not?
  26. Describe your religious or spiritual views? Have they changed over the years? Why or why not?
  27. What did you do just for yourself today? Last week? Last month? Last year? Describe in detail.
  28. Do you feel you are the same person as last year? Five years ago? 10 years ago? Do you plan to make changes this year? Why?

Happy February! Happy Writing!

Author: Rebecca C.

I am just a person who loves to photograph and write about the world around me.

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