Journal Writing Prompts for August

A journal is a way to express your feelings, relive memories, or write out detail plans. Whether you use an inexpensive spiral notebook or a leather-bound journal, putting your most inner thoughts on paper is the main goal. Do you need an incentive to get you started? Check out the following list of journal prompts for August.

  1. How was July for you, your family, your work, or your community? List at least 5 high and low points.
  2. What to you hope to accomplish in August?
  3. If you could be any type of animal (wild or domestic), what would you pick Why?
  4. If given the chance, what advice would you give to today’s youth? Why is this important to you?
  5. What is your personal guilty pleasure?
  6. Describe yourself in 3-5 words. Why did you pick these words?
  7. Use 3-5 words to describe yourself for another person’s point of view. Are they the same as you last entry? Why or why not?
  8. Do you believe you have changed since the beginning of the pandemic? Why?
  9. Describe your biggest weaknesses and strengths. Go into detail.
  10. What are your core values?
  11. How do you define success? What is your biggest success story from the last 6 months? Year? 5 years? Lifetime?
  12. What do you want your next success story to be? What steps are you taking to achieve this goal?
  13. Free write for 10 minutes. Remember to time yourself.
  14. What is on the top of your to-do list before summer ends?
  15. How do you currently feel about your physical health, mental health, and spiritual well-being? What are do you need to work on the most?
  16. What went as planned today?
  17. What hobbies would you like to learn? What is keeping you from trying this activity?
  18. What would you do if you won a large sum of money?
  19. Write a mantra for your life?
  20. Do you believe you have a “calling”? What is it? Why do you think this is right for you?
  21. Look at your phone. Pick your 7th image. Write about the photo. Use detail.
  22. Write about your relationship status. Is this where you want to be? Why or why not?
  23. What motivates you?
  24. What is your to-go place to recharge from the daily grind? Why is this place important to you?
  25. Ask yourself, “What steps do I need to take to be kinder to myself?” Make a list.
  26. What can you do to help in your local community to make the world a better place?
  27. Describe your day from the point of view of a stranger.
  28. What adventure would you like to go on? (Yes, you can use a fictional place.)
  29. What negative areas in your life do you need to re-prioritize?
  30. What are your goals for the rest of the year? Why are they important?
  31. Writer’s Choice

Journal Writing Prompts for June

June is here, time for a new set of journal-writing prompts. June brings warmer weather, longer days, Father’s Day and much more. Whether you are just starting or been writing for years, each day is a great time to make entries in your journal.

  1. Happy June 1st. How did last month go for you? List your highs and lows for the month.
  2. What are you hoping to accomplish this month? Make a list, add at least 5 items.
  3. How is the pandemic different this year than 2020? Are you getting out more? Have restrictions been lifted in your area?
  4. What are your hopes for the summer for your personal endeavors, family, work, and other commitments?
  5. Create a summer bucket list.
  6. Free write for 15 minutes.
  7. What time of day do you feel most energized? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Why?
  8. If you could interview any entertainer, who would you pick? Why?
  9. Name public figure who inspires you. Why does this person bring you inspiration?
  10. If you could have a superpower, what would you pick? Why?
  11. How are you feeling today? Describe your mood, energy level, and overall well-being.
  12. Describe your dream garden or home.
  13. Do you like speaking in public? Why?
  14. Flag Day! What does the Flag mean to you?
  15. Write about a funny moment from today. Why did this event amuse you?
  16. List past mistakes that turned out to be turning points in your life.
  17. Do you live your life to please yourself or others? Why do you think this way?
  18. Write down your best qualities.
  19. When was the last time you left your comfort zone? What did you do? How did the activity make you feel?
  20. Happy Father’s Day and Happy 1st Day of Summer! Write about your relationship with your father.
  21. What is your favorite childhood memory of your father?
  22. What is your favorite childhood memory of summer?
  23. What is your favorite summer activity as an adult? Why?
  24. Write about summer. Write ten words to describe summer. Next, elaborate on each word.
  25. Describe a recent challenge. How did you handle the situation? Do you feel the challenge is resolved? Why or why not?
  26. What part of your life is more important right now? Work? Family? Relationship? Why?
  27. If money were no object, what 3 things would you get? Why?
  28. Write about your favorite book. Write a review. Or write an alternate ending to the story.
  29. Are you working on your 2021 goals? How are you handling your tasks? Have you crossed any off your list? Why or why not?
  30. What moment from June 2021 do you want to always remember? Go into details.  

Journal Writing Prompts for May

Keeping a journal is an excellent way to record daily interactions, emotions, or memories. Do you need some inspiration to get you started? Whether you have been keeping a journal for 10 years or just starting, here are 31 journal writing prompts for May.

  1. Welcome to May! What are your goals for the month?
  2. What were your highs and lows for April?
  3. What is your most, “what if” moment?
  4. What is a compliment some gave you that you will never forget? Why was this interaction so important to you?
  5. What inspires you?
  6. Make a list of facts about yourself. Set a goal for 20 entries.
  7. Write what you are feeling right now.
  8. What made you smile today? Why?
  9. Happy Mother’s Day! (USA) Did you celebrate? What did you do?
  10. Write about your mother or motherly figure in your life.
  11. If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do? Why?
  12. What hot topic do you feel strongly about right now? Why?
  13. Free write for at least 10 minutes.
  14. Write a priority list on 5 areas of your life you need to focus.
  15. What do you hope to be doing in a year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.
  16. It is Sunday! How did you spend your day? Provide details.
  17. What is prevent you from perusing your dreams? Can you change the obstacle?
  18. If you had to describe yourself to a total stranger, what would you say? Be positive.
  19. Write about your spiritual beliefs? How have they changed over the years?
  20. How are you bettering yourself? Your family? Work? Home?
  21. Write a letter to yourself. Forgive past mistakes.
  22. What activity from your childhood brought you complete joy? Why?
  23. How have you changed in the last year? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?
  24. If you knew today was your last day on Earth, what would you do? Why?
  25. If you could talk to anyone who is no longer a live, who would you pick? Why?
  26. Write about your day from an outside perspective.
  27. Are you happy in current relationship? What do you need change or improve?
  28. Sit outside. Write down everything you hear. How do the sounds make you feel? Why?
  29. What were you doing 7am, 11am, 1pm, and 6 pm?
  30. What is your favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
  31. What do hope to accomplish in the last 6 months of 2021?

Journal Writing Prompts for April

April is here! Are you finding time to keep up your journal writing? Make writing in your journal a habit. Try to sneak a few minutes out of each day to get your thoughts down on paper (or type on the computer).

Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay 

Are you ready for new journal writing prompts? Check out the following 30 prompts for journal writing in April.

  1. How did March go for you, your friends, family, work, and home life? Write about your highs and lows of each area of your life.
  2. What do you want to accomplish this month? Make a list of at least 5 goals.
  3. What is your biggest dream for your personal life, work, family, etc.?
  4. Happy Easter! Did you celebrate? Write about your day.  How did you celebrate?
  5. Write a gratitude list of at least 10 things.
  6. Start a paragraph with the words, “Happiness is.” Then continue to write at least 2 paragraphs. Or make a list of 10 things.,
  7. Name a person or event that has made the biggest impact on you in the first 3 months of 2021. Explain your choice.
  8. What or who made you laugh today? What happened?
  9. Free write for at least 10 minutes. Or try a new goal of 20 minutes.
  10. What do you do to relieve stress? Why does this help you?
  11. Write about your day from an outside perspective.
  12. Think about all the people you encounter daily. Write down each person’s best characteristic trait that you admire. Then, write down a trait or habit you wish each person would change. Why did you pick these traits?
  13. Who gave you a compliment recently? What were the circumstances leading up to the praise? How did the compliment make you feel?
  14. If you could write a letter to your teenage self, what would you say? Remember the more details the better.
  15. Do you find yourself blaming others for your unhappiness? Who? Why? What can you do to change the situation?
  16. Do you worry about what others think about your personal life, work, family, or friends? Why does this bother you?
  17. If you could hold any job in the world, what would you pick? Why?
  18. What is your worst habit? Why? What can you do to change it?
  19. Make a list of your top best traits. (Yes, there are at least 10).
  20. Write about your day in intervals. What were you doing at 8am? 10am? Noon? 3pm? 5pm? 10pm?
  21. What amazes you about yourself, family, community, friends, or work? Is this a good or bad thing? Why?
  22. Was there a difficult moment in your life that later turned out to be a hidden blessing? Describe the event.
  23. Write about a recent news event. What happened? Why do you feel so strongly about this event?
  24. What do you do to show people you care?
  25. What past decision changed your life?
  26. What song always makes you turn up the radio to sing along? Why?
  27. What is your idea of a good day?
  28. What was your last vivid dream? What do you remember the most about this dream?
  29. What do you hope people will remember you by when you are gone?
  30. What are you looking forward to in May?

19 Journal Writing Prompts for Easter

Easter is only a few days away. The holiday is a perfect time for reflection. Do you need some extra inspiration on what to write in your journal? Check out the following writing prompts for Easter.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 
  1. What does Easter mean to you?
  2. Do you attend church services during this Holy Week? On Good Friday? Or on Easter Sunday? Why or why not?
  3. Write a prayer list for this Easter.
  4. Did you attend Easter Sunday services as a child? What was your most vivid memory?
  5. Did you dress up for Easter as a child? Describe what you would wear to Easter Sunday.
  6.  Do you still dress up for the holiday?
  7. Are you hosting an Easter dinner this year? What is your Easter menu?
  8. What do you have planned for Easter with your family or friends? Or even you favorite pet?
  9. Is there a family favorite that you only cook or bake on Easter? Why is this dish important to serve?  
  10. Did you change your annual Easter plans due to the pandemic? Why?
  11. How is this Easter different from 2020 at the height of the pandemic?
  12. What is your best childhood memory of Easter?
  13. Did you get Easter baskets as a child? Describe your typical basket on Easter morning.
  14. Did you attend any Easter egg hunts as a child? Describe the events.
  15. Did you dye eggs for Easter? What was your favorite part about coloring Easter eggs?
  16. Do you plan to dye eggs this Easter? Why or why not?
  17. What was an Easter tradition from your childhood?
  18. Do you carry on the tradition with your family today? Why or why not?
  19. After Easter, write down how your day went. Go into complete details. Even the silliest moment from your day can turn into a treasured memory.

February Journal Writing Prompts

Journal writing is a great way to get your thoughts down on paper (or on the computer). Set aside time each day to write. If you need inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for February.

  1. The second month of 2021 is here! How did January go for you? Your family? Work? School?
  2. What do you hope to accomplish this month? Try to write down at least 5 goals.
  3. Are you still working on your New Year’s resolutions? Or did you already break them? Go into details.
  4. Are you still facing restrictions due to the pandemic? What are your concerns right now?
  5. What makes you feel safe during this pandemic? Why?
  6. Did you get the vaccine? Why or why not?
  7. Do you plan on watching the Super Bowl tonight? Why or why not? What is your favorite part of the Super Bowl?
  8. What parts of your life would you like to change or make improvements? Why?
  9. Who inspires you at this time in your life? Why?
  10. Free write for at least 10 minutes. Set a timer.
  11. What do you love about your life right now? Work? School? Family? Provide details into each area.
  12. Write down your travel destinations. Write 5 big travel destinations. Then, write down 10 local ones. Why did you pick these?
  13. What was the best part of your day? Why?
  14. Happy Valentine’s Day! How did you spend your day? Did you do something special?
  15. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? Why?
  16. What is your best trait? Why?
  17. What are you doing for self-care? Make a list of current self-care routines. Now, add at least 5 more items to try.
  18. Pick a good friend or close family member. Write why this person is so important to you.
  19. Write a letter to someone you admire. (You don’t have to send it)
  20. Write down your 5 favorite songs. Why does each one of these songs mean so much to you?
  21. If you had a chance to act in any movie or television series (current or past), what would you pick? Why?
  22. Write about a time in your life when you felt special or honored?
  23. Write about a random childhood memory.
  24. Write about what you were doing at exactly 1pm. Use extreme details.
  25. Write a review of a local establishment.
  26. Write about a high school memory.
  27. Write about a difficult time in your life. How did you get through it?
  28. What are you looking forward to next week? Next month? For the remainder of the year?


Journal Writing Prompts for January

Is one of your New Year’s resolution to keep a daily journal? Are you uncertain about how to begin? Or do you just need a little inspiration? Check out the following journal writing prompts for January.

  1. Happy New Year’s Day! How did you spend New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day? Did your celebrations go as planned?
  2. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Why or why not?
  3. Write 5 things about the holiday season that you do not want to forget. Go into detail.
  4. Write a good-bye letter to 2020.
  5. What did 2020 teach you about yourself, family, friends, community, and the world?
  6. Write 10 major goals for 2021.
  7. Write 3 minor goals for January.
  8. What are your hopes for 2021 for yourself, family, friends, community, and the world? Provide details.
  9. What is your favorite quote? Why does this quote bring you inspiration? Do you have a new quote for 2021?
  10. What is your favorite time of day? Why?
  11. Free write for 15 minutes. Don’t forget to set a timer.
  12. What made you laugh today? Why was this moment funny?
  13. Create a blessing or gratitude list. Try to list at least 10 things.
  14. What small acts can you do in 2021 to make the world a better place?
  15. What new thing would you like to try in 2021?
  16. In what ways would you like to improve your life in 2021?
  17. Create a local bucket list. For example, visiting small businesses or order take out from individually owned establishments can be part of your list.
  18. Using 5 words, describe yourself. Be positive. Be kind to yourself. Why did you pick these 5 words?
  19. Pick one word to describe 2020. Now pick another word to describe 2021. Why did you pick these two words?
  20. Pick a book title for your life. Yes, this can be a totally made-up title. Why did you pick this title?
  21. What songs bring you inspiration? Why?
  22. Write about a loved one who has passed.
  23. Describe your neighbors in detail.
  24. If you could own a business, what would you do? Why?
  25. List 3 of your favorite television shows. Why do you like these programs?
  26. Describe your day in detail.
  27. What is the most stressful thing in your life right now? What are you doing to combat the stress? Can you change the situation?
  28. Write a letter to your future self. Describe how you think 2021 will go for you and your family. Seal the letter. Read at the end of the year.
  29. Write a book review.
  30. What you like to change about yourself? Be realistic.
  31. What were the high and low points of January 2021?

Journal Writing Prompts for December

The last month of 2020 is finally here. Are you still keeping your journal? Or are you just starting? Regardless of where you are at with your journal entries, use these writing prompts to help you through December.

  1. How did last month go for you? Write about your highs and lows for November.
  2. Write down 10 things you hope to accomplish in December.
  3. How is the pandemic in your area? Are the cases rising or decreasing? What are your concerns about the ongoing health crisis? Go into details.
  4. How has the pandemic changed your daily routine?
  5. Free write for 10 minutes. Set a timer and just let your thoughts flow.
  6. What one day from your past would you like to relive again? Why? Go into details.
  7. What major change would you like to implement in your life? What is stopping you from achieving your goal?
  8. What anxieties do you have about the future?
  9. What was the best part of your day today? Why?
  10. What was your biggest challenge or obstacle today? Why?
  11. What activity do you do to relieve stress?
  12. Go outdoors. Memorize what you see. Go back in and write the scene. Remember to focus on your five senses as you write.
  13. What were you doing at 11 am? Go into details.
  14. Write a book or product review.
  15. Write about a difficult time in your life. How did you get through it?
  16. What does your dream home look like? Go into details.
  17. Write about your day from the point of view of your dog or cat.
  18. Write a restaurant or small business review.
  19. What is one thing you want to do right now but can’t?
  20. Write a letter to your future self.
  21. Write about your extended family, your grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
  22. Describe the view out your window. If it’s dark, write about the night.
  23. Write about your best Christmas as a child.
  24. Christmas Eve–Write about your day.
  25. Merry Christmas! How did you spend the holiday?
  26. What did you learn the most in 2020?
  27. Write a list of at least 10 things you want to personally accomplish in 2021.
  28. Write a list of at least 10 things you want to accomplish as a family or at your place of employment
  29. Write a bucket list for 2021.
  30. What are you hoping for in 2021?
  31. What are your final thoughts for the last day of 2020?


Journal Writing Prompts for November

Writing in a journal eases daily stress, promotes creativity, and improves your writing skills. Take 10 or 15 minutes out of your day to write a few lines. If you need some inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for November.

  1. How did October go for you? Your family? Your work? Or your school
  2. What do you hope to accomplish this month? And for the rest of 2020?
  3. Election Day! (USA) Did you vote? Why or why not? Did the election turn out the way you wanted?
  4. What is your current situation with the pandemic? Describe.
  5. How do you measure success for yourself? Your family? Your career?
  6. Write about a personal experience that no one else knows about.
  7. What aspect of your life feels overwhelming right now? Why? What are you doing to alleviate stress and stay positive?
  8. Did something or someone make you smile or laugh today? Describe in great detail.
  9. Set the alarm and free-write for 10 minutes. Write down anything that comes to mind.
  10. If you could go anywhere or do anything right now, what would it be? Why?
  11. Make a list of positive ways you have changed over the last year, five years, or ten years.
  12. What major life decision brings you the most joy when you think about it?
  13. Describe your current weather from the point of view of an animal.
  14. Write down the best piece of advice that someone gave you? Why was this so important? How did it affect your life?
  15. What were you doing at 11 am and 3 pm? Provide details.
  16. Describe in detail your current view. Remember to use your senses.
  17. Write down a minimum of ten things you like about yourself.
  18. Do you have a guilty pleasure? What is it?
  19. Do you have comfort food for the colder weather? What is it? Why does this provide comfort?
  20. Do you have a friend who is always there for you? Write that person a letter giving thanks for his or her friendship.
  21. When the weather is cold, rainy, or snowy, how do you like to spend your time?
  22. What Thanksgiving traditions did you have growing up? Do you still practice them?
  23. What are you most thankful for this November?
  24. What is your best childhood memory of Thanksgiving?
  25. What are your plans for the Thanksgiving weekend?
  26. Happy Thanksgiving! (USA) How did your day go?
  27. Do you have lots of leftovers from your Thanksgiving meal? What do you cook or bake with your leftovers? Or do you just eat them?
  28. Now that Thanksgiving is over, what do you need to do to get ready for the Christmas season?
  29. Have you started your Christmas shopping? Why or why not?
  30. What are you looking forward to in December?

Journal Writing Prompts for September

Welcome to September! The month brings a 3-day weekend for Labor Day, the start of school, and the first day of fall. Cooler weather is a wonderful time to snuggle under a blanket, sip hot cocoa, and write in a journal. Do you need some journal inspiration? Check out the following list.

30 Journal Writing Prompts for September

  1. How did last month go for you and your family? Were you still under restrictions due to the pandemic in August? Go into details.
  2. What do you hope to achieve or finish in September? Make a list of at least 10 things.
  3. What do you want to finish by the end of the year? Have you been working on your year-end list? Why or why not?
  4. Labor Day weekend-do you have any plans? How will this 3-day weekend be different for you and your family?
  5. Describe 3-day holiday weekends from your childhood. Did you travel? Host a BBQ? Watch a telethon? Donate?
  6. Free write for 15 minutes. (Yes, set a timer).
  7. Happy Labor Day! How did your day go?
  8. Do you have a favorite flower? What is it? Why does this flower mean more to you than others?
  9. What is your favorite time of day? Why?
  10. Thinking back, what is the most romantic thing someone has done for you? Why does this memory stand out over the others?
  11. How would you describe yourself to others? List 10 positive attributes.
  12. What changes, small or large, would you like to make to your home, room, apartment, or other living space? Why do you want to make this change?
  13. Make a list of your current hobbies. Is there something new you want to try? Or do you want to restart an old one? What is stopping you?
  14. If there is one job you could do for a day, what would you pick? Why?
  15. What is your personal vision for the rest of 2020? The next 6 months? Year? 5 years? 10 years? Put a lot of thought and detail into each answer. Consider everything you would like to do for you and your family. Make a realistic action plan.
  16. Write a personal review of a book, movie, restaurant, or television show.
  17. What do you want to try? Do you have a bucket list? Make a dream bucket list.
  18. Write down 5 good thoughts about your day.
  19. Write about your siblings.
  20. What were you doing at 9 am, 2 pm, 7 pm?
  21. Happy First Day of Autumn! Did you get outdoors? Are the leaves beginning to change? Describe your little area of the world.
  22. What was your favorite fall activity as a child? Describe in great detail.
  23. Write about your inspiration.
  24. Describe your day from your dog or cat’s point of view. If you don’t have a real pet, you can always describe your day from the point of view of a stuffed animal.
  25. Write about your feelings about today.
  26. What one thing made you smile today?
  27. What is the most memorable activity you did over the summer?
  28. What was your best part of the day? Why?
  29. What excites you the most about fall?
  30. What are you hoping to achieve in October?