The Extra Easter Basket

Easter is a great way to spread joy with friends, family members or casual acquaintances. Attending church services, Easter egg hunts, and other community events are generally a normal part of the holiday weekend. Due to the pandemic many annual events may not be held.   

For many, creating Easter baskets is a major part of the celebrations. As you begin to play the honorary role of the Easter bunny, consider making an extra Easter basket to share. The simple kind gesture may have a positive impact on someone’s whole day or even week. One spark of kindness may set a chain reaction without end.

Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay 

Sharing the Extra Easter Basket

Are you wondering who may need an Easter basket? Consider all the people; you come in contact with on a daily basis. Still, need ideas? Check out the list below.

  • Friends
  • Extended family members
  • A child who you know is not getting an Easter basket due to financial restraints. (Remember you may need to ask permission to give a child an Easter basket. Some foods and toys may not be allowed.)
  • Teacher
  • Bus Driver
  • Child Care Provider
  • Dog Walker
  • Coach
  • Classmate
  • The barista who always gets your morning order correct.
  • Your dog’s pal at the park.

The list is endless. Just think of someone who may need an extra smile this time of year.