National Wildlife Day: How You Can Help

According to the National Day Calendar, today, September 4th is National Wildlife Day. The news of the Amazon rainforest burning is devastating. As you watch the devastation unfold, you may be wondering how you can help the wildlife in your area. Small steps to help local wildlife have a more significant impact on the community. 

Be an Advocate

Helping wildlife and the planet requires changes. Be aware of any new petitions, proposals, or other policies that could harm the environment. Contact your state’s officials to voice your opinion. Make your voice heard for protecting wildlife and the environment.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

The slogan, reduce, reuse, and recycle is well known. Implementing changes in your daily life helps the environment. 


  • Reduce: Plastic bags, bottles, straws, styrofoam, and other single-service plastic items are bad for the environment. Improper disposal of non-biodegradable items harms the local wildlife and planet. Properly disposing of consumer waste is only half of the problem. Reducing waste is the other part. 


  • Reuse: Make a pledge to reuse items. Donate unwanted clothing, toys, books, kitchen appliances, and more to local charities. 
  • Recycle: Participate in recycling programs in your area. Set up bins in your home to remind yourself and family members to recycle.



Be a Mindful Consumer

When purchasing new items, do your research. Learn about the company’s recycling and environmental record. Never buy any type of thing that threatens the welfare of an endangered animal. 

Save Energy

Take the necessary steps to save energy in your home or business. 

  • Turn off lights when leaving a room. 
  • Unplug unused appliances. 
  • Get a maintenance check on your furnace to run at an efficient rate. 
  • Monitor your heat or airconditioning temperatures. 
  • Wash clothing in cold water. 
  • Reduce your shower or bath times. 
  • Hang clothes on the line. Airdrying saves energy. 

Discover Your Green Thumb

If you are a property owner, plant trees, shrubs, and native flowers. The plants provide necessary shelter to local wildlife. Flowers attract bees and other insects to help the environment. Create a habitat to welcome birds and other animals to your yard. Offer watering areas, feed the birds or other animals, and provide shelter areas. 

Avoid Chemicals

Weedkiller, pesticides, rat poison, and other chemicals hurt wildlife and the environment. Using these types of products creates an uninhabitable environment and death to wildlife. 


Communities and other organizations host cleanup programs to help remove unwanted materials from natural resources. Volunteering an afternoon or an entire day has the potential to help reduce harmful items from the environment. 


Research organizations helping to protect wildlife and the environment. Make a donation. Reputable organizations will put the money to good use. 

Taking steps to help wildlife and the environment should be a daily commitment. Celebrate National Wildlife Day with a pledge to yourself to locally help the wildlife and habitat. 

