Fall Edition: How to Be a Tourist In Your Hometown

Autumn is a wonderful time of year. The changing leaves and cooler temperatures are a major part of the fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. Exploring your hometown is one of the best ways to enjoy fall. Attend local outdoor events or on rainy days revisit past favorites. If you need inspiration on how to be a tourist in your hometown, check out the following for ideas.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com


When was the last time you spent wandering around your hometown or the surrounding area?

  • Begin by researching your hometown.  
  • Look for anything new that interests you.
  • Join social media groups that focus on your hometown or county. The shared information is a great resource.
Photo by Andretti Brown on Pexels.com

Check Seasonal Events for Autumn

The changing seasons bring new community events. The autumn events are generally a yearly occurrence.

  • Farmers’ Markets
  • Pumpkin weighing contests
  • Corn mazes
  • Haunted houses
  • Homecoming parades
  • Fairs and festivals
  • Craft shows
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Write a Local Bucket List

Approach your hometown like any other travel destination. Begin by making a list of places you want to see. Are you traveling solo or with family and friends? Travel buddies are a great way to enjoy your hometown experience with a new perspective.

  • Check out new restaurants, revisit childhood favorites, and go to art galleries, historical sites, or other interesting events.
  • Consider taking a different mode of transportation to get around your hometown. Ride the bus, rent an e-bike, or walk around your neighborhood. The change in transportation is a great way to see everyday sights from a new perspective.
  • Go ahead and use coupons for discounts on meals, tours, or admission costs.  Many coupons use free items as an incentive for spending a certain amount of money. Businesses use self-promoting products as a way to draw tourists to their locations.
  • Check out the tours of your local hometown attractions. Follow the tour guide throughout the museum or local sites. Every tour is a learning experience.
  • Buy postcards.
  • Take business cards.
Photo by Kaique Rocha on Pexels.com

Document Your Travels

Do not forget your camera. Or use your phone to document your travels around your hometown.

  • Eat or get a beverage at a local café. Try the hometown special. If you are traveling solo, bring a small journal with you. Use the time at the cafe to write notes about your day’s experiences.
  • Take photos of everything. Even if you pass the place every day going to work or running errands, stop and take a photo. Try different angles. The final results may surprise you.
  • After each hometown adventure, create a scrapbook with photos, postcards, and notes.

Have fun! Enjoy your day acting like a tourist in your hometown.

Author: Rebecca C.

I am just a person who loves to photograph and write about the world around me.

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