Journal Writing Prompts for July

Journal writing is a wonderful way to express emotions, relieve stress, and document daily events. The practice is easy to start. Take 15 or 20 minutes every night to write down your thoughts in a journal. If you are searching for inspiration, check out the following journal writing prompts for July.

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on
  1. How did June go for you? Your family? Work? School? Community? List highs and lows for last month.
  2. What does Independence Day mean to you?
  3. How did you celebrate the 4th of July as a child? Did you have any traditions? Do you still carry on those traditions today? Why or why not?
  4. Happy Independence Day! How did you spend your holiday?
  5. What are you excited to do in the upcoming months? Why?
  6. Free write for at least 15 minutes.
  7. If you wrote a book, who would be your main character? Describe.
  8. What made you smile today? Write about that moment.
  9. Write 10 realistic goals for the remaining months of 2022.
  10. Write a restaurant review. (Yes, fast food does count. And no, you do not have to post your answer).
  11. When was the last time you felt adventurous? What were you doing?
  12. Who is the biggest inspiration in your life right now? Why?
  13. What are the top 3 things hold you back from living your dream life? What steps can you do to reach your goal?
  14. What do you do just for yourself? Self-care is essential.
  15. Write about your favorite summer vacation.
  16. Describe the view through your window right now?
  17. What qualities do you admire in others? Why?
  18. What is weighing heavily on your mind this week? Why?
  19. Write 10 words to describe yourself. Why did you pick these words?
  20. Make a “worry list”. Put your fear on paper to recognize them.
  21. Create travel bucket lists. Make one a local list, state list, and country list.
  22. Write a letter to someone who has helped you in the past.
  23. Write a letter to yourself to forgive past mistakes. Encourage future ventures.
  24. What changes scare you the most?
  25. Write about your day including mood, activities, feelings, etc.
  26. What do you need right now to give yourself peace? Why?
  27. In your opinion what is the name of the best restaurant, café, pizza place, or eatery in your town? Why?
  28. Finish the thought. “On bad days, I take a deep breath and remember__________.”  Write at least one paragraph.
  29. What is your favorite song? Why?
  30. How have grown in the past month? Year? Five Years? Why?
  31. Writer’s Choice

Happy Writing! Have a great month!

Author: Rebecca C.

I am just a person who loves to photograph and write about the world around me.

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