Journal Writing Prompts for December

The last month of the year is finally here. Are you ready to keep writing in your journal? If you are searching for suggestions, check out the following journal writing prompts for December.

Photo by Judit Peter on
  1. How did November go for you, your family, work, school, and community? List your highs and lows for the month.
  2. What are you hoping to accomplish during the last month of 2021? List 5 goals.
  3. If you could relive one day over in 2021, what day would you pick? Why?
  4. What new hobbies are hoping to try over the winter months?
  5. What skill are you hoping to develop in 2022? Why is this important?
  6. Free write for 15 minutes.
  7. What one moment from today made you smile? Why?
  8. Are you satisfied with your current circumstances? Why or why not? What would you like to change?
  9. What has been on your mind lately? Why does this seem to be taking over your thoughts?
  10. List your biggest priorities for the day, week, the rest of the month, and next year.
  11. Did you overreact to any situation this week or month? Why?
  12. Who is your biggest inspiration at this moment? Why is this person so important to you?
  13. What is the best advice you could give someone right now? What is the best advice someone recently gave you?
  14. What is your biggest strength? Why?
  15. Why do you perceive as your biggest weakness? Why?
  16. If you knew tomorrow was the last day on Earth, what would you do? Why?
  17. What is the most important relationship in your life right now? Why?
  18. What have you been doing in your spare time lately? Do this activity bring you joy?
  19. What is one thing that you need in your life right now to improve your mood or situation? Why?
  20. Where would you like to travel next holiday season? Why?
  21. Happy First Day of Winter? What is the winter season like in your area? List highs and lows.
  22. What is one new activity you want to try next year? Why?
  23.   What do you do to stay healthy? Physically? And mentally? Do you need to take further steps in 2022? Why?
  24. Christmas Eve! How do you celebrate?
  25. Merry Christmas! How did the day go for you? What was your favorite moment?
  26. What are some of your favorite memories of 2021?
  27. For 2022, you plan to do more of________________. List at least 5 things.
  28. If you could have changed one thing in 2021, what would it be? Why?
  29. If you had to summarize 2021 with 5 words, what would you pick? Why?
  30. What do you hope to see in 2022?
  31. New Year’s Eve! How did you celebrate?

Author: Rebecca C.

I am just a person who loves to photograph and write about the world around me.

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