Pinterest Success: DIY Ice Cream Cone Bird Feeders

Pinterest offers numerous opportunities for do-it-yourself projects. Being an avid bird watcher, I am always looking for easy ways to attract and feed the birds. Following the basic directions from the 30 Seconds blog, the ice cream bird feeders were a complete success. Not to mention, the feeders were easy to make. The ice cream cone bird feeders would be a perfect project for kids or family time. While attracting birds, take the time to learn about the different species. The learning experience could turn into a lifelong interest in birds or animal welfare.

Materials Needed

  • Ice Cream Cones
  • Peanut Butter (Crunchy or Plain)
  • Mixed Bird Seed
  • Cheerios
  • Nuts
  • Twine or Pipe Cleaners
  • Wax Paper


Simply coat the ice cream cone with peanut butter and roll in the birdseed.

Placing the cones on the waxed paper, allowed for easy cleanup.


After coating the cones, place them on a baking pan lined with wax paper.

Do not be afraid to try different types, I added plain Cheerios and nuts to some of the cones.

Birdseed, Cheerios and nuts, the birds loved them.


Using pipe cleaners instead of twine, I secured a hanger on each one. The pipe cleaners push right into the side of the cones. Forming a loop, the pipe cleaner made a perfect hanger.

The pipe cleaners worked great for hangers,

Placing the finished cones on a baking pan, I was able to easily carry the bird seed project out to hang in my trees.


My only regret with the pipe cleaners was the use of white. When the ground is still snow covered, the white pipe cleaners blend in. But I found all the pipe cleaners for the next round of ice cream bird feeders.



Author: Rebecca C.

I am just a person who loves to photograph and write about the world around me.

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